Week 6

Post-Impressionism, Fauvism, Expressionism, Early Picasso, and Matisse

Portrait of Van Gogh (Self Portrait), c. 1887, by Vincent van Gogh.

Post-Impressionism is the term used to describe a group of artists whose styles differed from, but were all influenced by, Impressionism. They branched into two main categories: formal/structural art and emotional art.

Cezanne laid the groundwork for the structural art style by reducing all objects into basic shapes. This would eventually prompt Picasso to experiment with Cubism in the 20th century. Seurat also reduced his subjects to a basic shape, the dot. By utilizing his own technique of pointillism or divisionism, he used dots of pure color to build up his images. On the other hand, Van Gogh's works suggested pure emotionalism with bold colors, thickly applied paint, and deliberate brushstrokes. Also in the late 19th century, the Symbolist style (based on a literary movement) surfaced. Edvard Munch combined post-impressionism and symbolism in his evocative works such as "The Scream."

Two important artists of the early 20th century, Picasso and Matisse, worked in entirely different styles. Pablo Picasso worked in his "Blue Period" which utilized shades of the color blue and depicted poor and/or unfortunate people. Henri Matisse was the leading artist of the "Fauves" (French term meaning wild beasts). The Fauves were famous for their use of bold colors. Matisse's late works concentrated on color and biomorphic forms. Expressionism also developed, but was more concerned with the emotional properties of color. It branched into two groups: the "Bridge" (artists that tried to bridge old traditions and modern art) and the "Blue Rider" (artists who used non-figurative imagery).

Weekly Objectives

  1. Examine works of art.

  2. Investigate the meanings of the artworks encompassed by this period.

  3. Distinguish one style from another and trace the stylistic development.



  • Adams: Art Across Time

    • Chapter 23: Post-Impressionism and the Late Nineteenth-Century

    • Chapter 24: Turn of the Century: Early Picasso, Fauvism, Expressionism, and Matisse

Class Activities

Continue work on the Final Paper.

Before posting on the discussion, visit the following websites:


  • Discussion 6

  • Quiz 5

Video Lecture: Vincent Van Gogh

Select the play icon, or use the Enter key to watch the video.

A transcript of Vincent Van Gogh video is available.

Review Sheet: Post-Impressionism and Late Nineteenth Century

Chapter 23

Be familiar with these artists, works, or concepts:

  • Post-Impressionism

  • Toulouse-Lautrec

  • Cezanne’s Mont Sainte-Victoire

  • Divisionism

  • Seurat’s Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte

  • Van Gogh and his Potato Eaters, Bedroom at Arles, and Starry Night

  • Gauguin’s The Yellow Christ

  • Symbolism

  • Munch’s The Scream

  • Art Nouveau

  • Gaudi

  • Klimt’s Kiss

Please note: This is not a comprehensive list of what will be covered on the quiz; it merely highlights the most significant works and concepts in the chapter.

Review Sheet: Turn of the Century: Early Picasso, Fauvism, Expressionism, and Matisse

Chapter 24

Be familiar with these artists, works, or concepts:

  • Picasso and his Old Guitarist

  • Matisse and his Madame Matisse, Harmony in Red, and Dance I

  • Fauvism

  • Expressionism

  • The Blue Rider

  • Marc’s Large Blue Horses

Please note: This is not a comprehensive list of what will be covered on the quiz; it merely highlights the most significant works and concepts in the chapter.

Timeline for Post-Impressionism, Fauvism, Expressionism, Early Picasso, and Matisse

Let's take a quick recap of Post-Impressionism, Fauvism, Expressionism, Early Picasso, and Matisse.

Select each time period to learn more about the events.

1870 - 1885

1885 - 1895

1895 - 1900

1900 - 1905

1905 - 1910

1870 - 1910 Late Renaissance
Close buton

You can also download a Word version of Timeline for Post-Impressionism, Fauvism, Expressionism, Early Picasso, and Matisse.

Optional Learning Resources

Select the bottom right corner of the album, and drag towards the left, like you would turn pages of a book.

Optional Learning Resources Week Six

Watch the Spotlight Video

on Matisse's Red Studio.

Screenshot image of Spotlight Video on Matisse's Red Studio.

Watch the video on Vincent Van Gogh's works.

Screenshot image of video on Vincent Van Gogh's works.

Artists' Corner

  • Since we're studying Picasso this week, create your own Picasso Head.

You can also download a Word version of Optional Learning Resources Week Six.


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