Week 7

Cubism, Futurism, Dada, Surrealism, and the US between the Wars

Painting of American Gothic, c. 1930, by Grant Wood.

After a brief "Rose Period," Picasso began working on representing space in different ways. His "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" experimented with shifting planes and angles and eventually developed into Cubism, with the aid of Georges Braque. Collage and assemblage were also techniques utilized by Picasso. Another development was Futurism, which had an emphasis on speed and technology.

Frank Lloyd Wright created Suprematism, which used sparse imagery and the Prairie Style in architecture. It was and influenced by the horizontal lines of the Midwest prairies.

World War I had a huge impact on the art world; it made artists aware of the fragility of life and the importance of love and laughter. Dada has also been referred to as "Nonsense Art," and that's exactly what it was: an attempt to lighten the mood. On the other hand, Surrealism was the art of the unconscious and dreams as artists reexamined their lives and its meaning. An interest in psychology developed as Freud's works became popular. Regionalism also developed in the United States as people tried to find an identity; whether it be isolated city life or rural, country life. Abstraction increased as more artists began to experiment in that style.

Weekly Objectives

  1. Examine works of art.

  2. Investigate the meanings of the artworks encompassed by this period.

  3. Distinguish one style from another and trace the stylistic development.



  • Adams: Art Across Time

    • Chapter 25: Cubism, Futurism, and Related Twentieth-Century Styles

    • Chapter 26: Dada, Surrealism, Fantasy, and the United States between the Wars

Class Activities

Complete work on the Final Paper.

Before posting on the discussion, visit the following websites:


  • Discussion 7

  • Final Paper

Video Lecture: Picasso

Select the play icon, or use the Enter key to watch the video.

A transcript of Picasso video is available.

Review Sheet: Cubism, Futurism, and Related Twentieth Century Styles

Chapter 25

Be familiar with these artists, works, or concepts:

  • Gertrude Stein

  • Picasso and his Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, Three Musicians, and Guernica

  • Analytic Cubism

  • Synthetic Cubism

  • Collage

  • Futurism

  • Boccioni’s Unique Forms of Continuity in Space

  • Mondrian’s Broadway Boogie Woogie

  • The Armory Show

  • Harlem Renaissance

  • Brancusi and his Bird in Space and Kiss

  • Frank Lloyd Wright and his Robie House and Fallingwater

  • Bauhaus

Please note: This is not a comprehensive list of what will be covered on the quiz; it merely highlights the most significant works and concepts in the chapter.

Review Sheet: Dada, Surrealism, Fantasy, and the United States Between the Wars

Chapter 26

Be familiar with these artists, works, or concepts:

  • Picasso and his Old Guitarist

  • Matisse and his Madame Matisse, Harmony in Red, and Dance I

  • Fauvism

  • Expressionism

  • The Blue Rider

  • Marc’s Large Blue Horses

Please note:This is not a comprehensive list of what will be covered on the quiz; it merely highlights the most significant works and concepts in the chapter.

Timeline for Cubism, Futurism, Dada, Surrealism, and the US between the Wars

Let's take a quick recap of Cubism, Futurism, Dada, Surrealism, and the US between the Wars.

Select each time period to learn more about the events.

1900 - 1910

1910 - 1920

1920 - 1930

1930 - 1940

1940 - 1950

Close buton

You can also download a Word version of Timeline for Cubism, Futurism, Dada, Surrealism, and the US between the Wars.

Optional Learning Resources

Select the bottom right corner of the album, and drag towards the left, like you would turn pages of a book.

Optional Learning Resources Week Seven

Watch the Spotlight Video

on Dali's "Persistence of Memory."

Screenshot image of Spotlight Video on Dali's Persistence of Memory.

Watch Salvador Dali's video on "What's My Line."

Screenshot image of Salvador Dali's video on What's My Line.

Artists’ Corner

You can also download a Word version of Optional Learning Resources Week Seven.


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