Week 1

The Early and High Renaissance Art

Marble version of Michelangelo's Pieta in St. Peter's Cathedral, Rome.

During Week 1, we will look at the Early and High Renaissance art. Early Renaissance art developed in Northern Europe and featured Christian symbols and an unbelievable attention to detail resulting in a “hair by hair” realism. The High Renaissance was focused in Italy and featured two of the most well-known artists in history: Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. The Renaissance was a rebirth of the Classic Period (Greek and Roman art) and also saw artists begin to sign their works. The lavish, elaborate, and sometimes monumental works were the result of the Catholic Church and wealthy patrons pouring money into art and architecture.

Weekly Objectives

  1. Examine works of art.

  2. Investigate the meanings of the artworks encompassed by this period.

  3. Distinguish one style from another and trace the stylistic development.



  • Adams: Art Across Time

    • Chapter 13: The Early Renaissance

    • Chapter 14: The High Renaissance in Italy

Class Activities

Begin work on Midterm paper.

Before posting on the discussion regarding restoration, visit the following websites:


  • Introduction Discussion

  • Discussion 1

  • Quiz 1

Video Lecture: Leonardo and Michelangelo

Select the play icon, or use the Enter key to watch the video.

A transcript of What Makes a Masterpiece video is available.

Review Sheet: The Early Renaissance

Chapter 13

Be familiar with these artists, works, or concepts:

  • Renaissance

  • Humanism

  • Medici Family

  • Competition for the Florence Baptistery Doors

  • Vasari’s Lives

  • Dome and Florence Cathedral

  • Linear Perspective

  • Atmospheric Perspective

  • Donatello

  • Media: Oil Painting

  • Foreshortening

  • Merode Altarpiece

  • Ghent Altarpiece

  • Van Eyck’s Arnolfini Portrait

Please note: This is not a comprehensive list of what will be covered on the quiz; it merely highlights the most significant works and concepts in the chapter.

Review Sheet: The High Renaissance in Italy

Chapter 14

Be familiar with these artists, works, or concepts:

  • Renaissance

  • Julius II

  • St. Peter’s

  • Leonardo da Vinci and his Last Supper and Mona Lisa

  • Michelangelo and his Pieta, David, Last Judgment, Sistine Chapel Ceiling & Restoration Controversy

  • Raphael and his School of Athens

  • Titian

Please note: This is not a comprehensive list of what will be covered on the quiz; it merely highlights the most significant works and concepts in the chapter.

Timeline for the Early and High Renaissance Art

Let's take a quick recap of the Early and High Renaissance art.

Select each time period to learn more about the events.

1400 - 1420

1420 - 1440

1440 - 1460

1460 - 1480

1480 - 1500

1500 - 1520

1400 - 1500 Early Renaissance
1480 - 1520 High Renaissance
Close buton

You can also download a Word version of Timeline for the Early and High Renaissance Art.

Optional Learning Resources

Select the bottom right corner of the album, and drag towards the left, like you would turn pages of a book.

Optional Learning Resources Week One

View the Spotlight Video on Michelangelo's Moses.

Screenshot of Spotlight Video on Michelangelo's Moses.

Select the link and complete the jigsaw puzzle of Michelangelo's Pieta.

Screenshot of the jigsaw puzzle of Michelangelo's Pieta.

View the video of Michelangelo Code.

Screenshot of video of Michelangelo Code.

View the podcast on Early Renaissance Art – The Sistine Ceiling

Screenshot of the podcast on Early Renaissance Art – The Sistine Ceiling

Artists' Corner

  • Since the most significant artistic advancement during the Renaissance was the mastery of linear perspective, follow this step by step illustration of rendering a building in two point perspective.

You can also download a Word version of Optional Learning Resources Week One.


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